Crystal Meanings 101
Are you intrigued by the mystical world of crystal healing? Delve into the fascinating realm of crystal properties and discover their unique energies. Explore our curated collection of crystals that promise to uplift and balance. Each crystal meaning comes with its own affirmations, enhancing your meditation experience. Unveil the secrets of these ancient treasures and find the perfect crystal to resonate with your journey by shopping by your desired crystal below. Dive into the world of crystal healing below and elevate your well-being.

Affirmation: I speak my truth boldly
Helps with:
- Promotes emotional balance
- Speaking your truth
- Improves sense of self worth

Affirmation: I allow my intuition to guide me
Helps with:
- Enhances intuition & meditation
- Calms the mind & soul
- Relieves insomnia and nightmares

Affirmation: I am open to inspiration
Helps with:
- Powerful manifestation stone
- Increases willpower, motivation & confidence
- Enhances communications of any kind
- Encourages you to maximize your creative potential

Affirmation: I am open to guidance from higher realms
Helps with:
- Encourages relaxation
- Used when meditating on the third eye to obtain guidance from spirit, guides and angels
- Creates a connection between the physical and the spiritual

Affirmation: Money flows to me effortlessly
Helps with:
- Luckiest stone for manifesting prosperity, abundance & success
- It helps one attract new opportunities
- It opens the heart chakra & aids in healing painful emotions, particularly those related to childhood trauma

Affirmation: I am fully attuned with my feelings & emotions
Black Moonstone
Helps with:
- Enhances intuition & connection with the Divine Feminine
- Balances emotions & increases manifestations
- Promotes mental clarity, new beginnings & protection

Affirmation: I am focused & disciplined
Black Onyx
Helps with:
- Grounding, protecting & balancing
- Absorbs and transforms negative energy
- Relieves overwhelming fears & worries
- Heals old wounds or issues from the past

Affirmation: I am guided by my inner strength
Helps with:
- Attracts luck, money & success
- Purifies & detoxifies the body
- Restores and rebuilds the mood & body after traumatic events

Affirmation: I am safe, secure & protected
Black Tourmaline
Helps with:
- Grounding & balance
- Clearing the aura
- Protection from negative emotions and intentions

Affirmation: I am calm & peaceful
Blue Calcite
Helps with:
- Excellent stone for empaths as it softens the impact of psychic stimuli & allows them to not feel so overwhelmed by the energies of others
- It enhances the vividness of dreams & improves your ability to interpret their meaning
- Enhances clairvoyance, telepathy, visions & spiritual dreaming

Affirmation: I am open to divine guidance
Blue Kyanite
Helps with:
- Enhances your intuition
- Stimulates creative energy
- Shifting stuck patterns
- Opens communications with higher dimensions

Affirmation: I express my thoughts with clarity
Blue Lace Agate
Helps with:
- Enables you to speak calmly & not concern yourself with the opinion of others
- It soothes insomnia &relieves tension headaches
- A symbol of freedom & serenity, which lowers stress levels and in turn, can boost your immune system

Affirmation: I feel free to pursue my creative passion
Helps with:
- Stone of joy & happiness
- Encourages creativity
- Restores vitality and motivation
- Increases passion

Affirmation: I am open to the divine wisdom & guidance of my angels
Helps with:
- Connection to the angelic realm
- Enhances psychic abilities
- Brings mental calm & clarity
- Relief of stress, anxiety & obsessive behaviors

Affirmation: I am calm & personal
Chevron Amethyst
Helps with:
- Made of Amethyst & White Quartz
- Gives you the courage you need to follow your spiritual callings and reach your highest potential
- It promotes a peaceful sleep, making it a beneficial stone for those who suffer with insomnia

Affirmation: I speak my truth with confidence
Helps with:
- Stone of empowerment, patience and strength
- Calms, cleanses and re-energizes all the chakras
- Improves communication and opens psychic vision
- Committed to creativity, independence and instruction at its core

Affirmation: I am successful in all areas of life
Helps with:
- Joyful energy as it possesses healing properties of the sun
- Assist you in manifesting prosperity, success & abundance
- It is effective in treating depression and low self-esteem by helping you remain in the present moment

Affirmation: My mind is clear & focused
Clear Quartz
Helps with:
- Power stone that harmonizes & balances
- Cleanses all the chakras, clears stagnant energy and opens the mind to higher guidance
- Protection stone that can be used to amplify psychic abilities
- Assists with emotional stability, meditation & restorative work

Affirmation: I am grateful & blessed
Crazy Lace Agate
Helps with:
- Excellent stone for anyone suffering with depression
- Balancing & protective stone believed to ward off the "evil eye", bringing joy & absorbing emotional pain
- Encourages you to develop a healthy work-life balance & ensure you take care of your own needs before others

Affirmation: I release all negative thoughts
Dalmatian Jasper
Helps with:
- Centering stone that balances the yin and yang
- It helps you reconnect with your inner child & become appreciative of all the little things in life
- It aids in overcoming feelings pf hopelessness by eliminating negative thoughts

Affirmation: I am passionate & motivated
Helps with:
- Beneficial to aid in past life recall
- Energizing stone that revitalizes all the chakras. It alleviates emotional disharmony and balances the sex drive
- Enhances love between partners, inspires love & devotion
- It balances the sex drive and lessens emotional disharmony

Affirmation: Healing light surrounds me
Golden Healer
Helps with:
- Healing your inner child
- Empowers multi-dimensional healing
- Powerful for connecting with Source energy
- Brings golden light of universal life forced down through the crown into the body

Affirmation: I am one with nature, spreading peace & healing
Green Apophyllite
Helps with:
- Helps you feel joy & love
- Transmits divine white light
- Attracting abundance in all areas of life
- Brings you peace and helps with cutting cords of past attachments

Affirmation: I am focused and disciplined
Green Fluorite
Helps with:
- Excellent stone for overcoming disorganization & a scattered mind
- Improves self-discipline by encouraging you to incorporate structure & routine into your life
- It strengthens focus and helps you quickly absorb new information

Affirmation: My thoughts are clear & focused
Fire Quartz
Helps with:
- Regulates emotions, calms mood swings and has a balancing effect on the mind & body
- It is a beneficial stone for those with short attention sans or who have trouble completing projects as it greatly improves concentration over long periods of time

Affirmation: I embrace my power to step into my full potential
Flower Agate
Helps with:
- Helps bridge the gap between emotions and reality
- Brings empowerment, joy, peace & positive outlook
- Allows you to reach & maintain your highest potential

Affirmation: I am courageous and strong
Helps with:
- Hematite promotes courage and boldness
- A very effective grounding & protective stone
- Helps to absorb negative energy
- Calming, balance and stability

Affirmaton: I am a resilient & strong person
Honey Calcite
Helps with:
- Opens communication
- Self worth and self development
- Quickens spiritual development
- Empowerment, perseverance and manifestation

Affirmation: I filter out distractions & attune to my higher purpose
Helps with:
- Relieves stress & anxiety
- Clear and peaceful communication
- Brings mental awareness and great for dream work
- Used a a link to higher spiritual conscious

Affirmation: I trust my inner vision
Helps with:
- Encourages inner strength & courage
- Helps you develop psychic visions and clairvoyance
- Heals and aligns the body, mind and spirit

Affirmation: I am deeply connected to nature
Kambaba Jasper
Helps with:
- Stone of peace and tranquility. It is very grounding due to its strong connection to the Earth
- It eliminates feelings of uncertainty about the future and fear of the unknown
- Increases your confidence in learning new skills & knowledge

Affirmation: I am aligned with the energy of unconditional love & joy
Helps with:
- Heart Healer
- Experience unconditional divine love
- Brings empathy & understanding to any relationship
- Calmly your emotions and promote tranquility & peace

Affirmation: I welcome change into my life
Helps with:
- Following and trusting your instincts
- Promotes transformation and deep self reflection
- Strengthens the aura and brings out the best version of you
- Stone of magic helping develop spiritual power and psychic awareness

Affirmation: I am aligned with my deepest truth
Lapis Lazuli
Helps with:
- Assists in truthful communication
- Developing intuition & other psychic gifts, said to be helpful for dream work
- Promotes spiritual awareness, enlightenment, purpose, intuitive abilities & truth
- Enhances clear self expression

Affirmation: I surrender to go with the abundant flow from Source
Helps with:
- Emotional honesty and setting up boundaries
- Aids in contacting Angels and the ascension process
- Connects to the Goddess & the Divine Feminine
- Stone of tranquility and relaxation very soothing to the emotional body

Affirmation: Healing energy surrounds me at all times
Helps with:
- Protection, grounding & cleansing
- Facilitates inner transformation
- Connects you to the energies of the Earth stone
- Stimulate psychic abilities & rituals
- Beneficial aid for past-life and soul work

Affirmation: I maintain my center through the storms of life
Helps with:
- Encourages independence
- Effective in stabilizing emotions
- Clears blockages & brings cosmic awareness
- Brings mental, emotional & physical body into balance

Affirmation: I accept the blessings of transformation
Helps with:
- Stone of transformation and spiritual growth
- Clears blockages & obstructions to the mind and heart making room for new opportunities
- Opens up your heart chakra to allow you to feel life's abundance, luck and wealth

Affirmation: As i help myself, I heal my lineage
Mookaite Jasper
Helps with:
- Encourages motivation
- Nurturing support stone that sustains us during stress
- Aids in decision-making, particularity when making life choices
- Resolving inherited patterns & healing ancestral trauma

Affirmation: I draw upon Mother Earth to heal
Moss Agate
Helps with:
- Stone of new beginnings
- Connection to nature spirits
- Promotes good health & mental sharpness
- Attracts wealth and abundance of all kinds

Affirmation: I am divinely protected from all negativity as I connect to the Earth & Source
Helps with:
- A grounding stone that clears negative emotions & energy
- Vitalizes the soul's purpose
- Reveals the truth

Affirmation: I am worthy of healing
Ocean Jasper
Helps with:
- Opens the heart chakra
- Stabilizes the emotions through change
- Gives you courage to communicate freely
- Boosts confidence self worth & self esteem

Affirmation: I am connected to Source, to everything and everyone
Pineapple Quartz (Candle Quartz)
Helps with:
- Meditating with it can stimulate visions & access to information from the Akashic records
- It can assist with past life recall, linking your consciousness to the highest vibration of soul consciousness
- Considered an amulet of rebirth, that reverberates our own energy into motivation, confidence & self appreciation

Affirmation: I am deeply grounded & centered
Polychrome Jasper
Helps with:
- Ancient Earth energy
- Nurturing vibrations to uplift your life force
- Helps embody your true self and helps activate inner balance
- Powerful stone of manifestation

Affirmation: I attract prosperity & let it flow into my life
Helps with:
- Protection and willpower
- Improves mental clarity & sharpens focus
- Stimulates creative imagination
- Stone of luck & manifestation, attracting abundance and prosperity

Affirmation: My mind is clear & I am ready
Rainbow Fluorite
Helps with:
- Activates & cleanses all chakras
- Improves mental focus, clarity, concentration and memory
- Helps you quickly absorb and retain new information
- Strengthens discipline and encourages you to incorporate structure and order nto your life

Affirmation: I choose to find the magic in everyday
Rainbow Moonstone
Helps with:
- Developing intuitive awareness
- Strength & balance of the Divine Feminine
- A protective stone, great for traveling
- Introspection & decision making
- Healing fro the reproductive and hormonal system

Affirmation: I am filled with courage, strength & vitality
Red Jasper
Helps with:
- Grounding & relieves stress
- Ancient and sacred stone that has a deep connection to Mother Earth
- Imparts justice and gives you the courage to stand up for what is right
- Enhances vitality, strength & sexual passion

Affirmation: I have abundance of health & vitality
Red Tiger's Eye
Helps with:
- Stimulates for inspiration & motivation
- Confidence, integrity, wisdom and grace
- Physical strength & reproductive health
- Keeps you relaxed, centered and instills self care

Affirmation: I invite gratitude into my heart
Helps with:
- Stone of gratitude, love & empathy
- Bolster feelings of forgiveness and compassion
- Stimulates clears and activates the heart
- Grounds energy and balances yin-yang

Affirmation: I radiate beauty, grace & love
Rose Quartz
Helps with:
- Stone of unconditional love that carries a soft, feminine energy
- It opens the heart chakra, allowing vibrations of love to flow freely and without fear
- It helps you attract new love into your life & promotes healthy, harmonious relationships

Affirmation: I am at peace with myself
Helps with:
- Purifies the aura & protects you from negative influences
- It assists spiritual insight and aids you in seeing the deeper picture
- Calming stone that instills deep peace and its excellent for meditation or spiritual work

Affirmation: I am deeply grounded & centered
Smoky Quartz
Helps with:
- Most powerful and effective grounding stone available
- It facilitates a deep connection to Mother Earth and clears away negative thoughts
- It acts as a gentle companion for anyone experiencing grief, depression or anxiety

Affirmation: My mind is open to new information
Helps with:
- Brings order and calmness to the mind
- It promotes emotional balance, eases insomnia & calms panic attacks
- It enhances creativity, improves self acceptance
- Encourages you to gently let go of your insecurities & embrace who you are

Affirmation: I am filled with vibrations of love, passion & joy
Helps with:
- Stone of joy and happiness
- Uplifting passion, excitement and creativity
- Leadership, self empowerment & independence

Affirmation: I am driven to succeed
Tiger's Eye
Helps with:
- Brings good luck and prosperity
- Carries the energies of a combination of sun and earth elements, making it a powerful stone of both grounding & energizing vibrations
- Gives you the courage to step out of your comfort zone & take immediate action to achieve your goals

Affirmation: I love & accept myself
Helps with:
- Gentle & comforting energy that promotes feelings of gratitude
- It helps you see the beauty in life and appreciate all the little things
- It works to remove obstacles to your personal growth, especially helping to release any emotional pain
Enjoy these short descriptions of the crystals that we feature. We are aware that not everyone believes in the power of crystals; however, everyone enjoys their beauty. For whatever reason you choose a Luni item, always remember that is made with love and intention.
Love, Luni